You have the key to connect to your own power and reach your joy and your purposes.
Life exposes us to challenges we do not know how to deal with.Unconscious fears, doubts, false beliefs arise and prevent from reaching peace and joy.
Liberation comes through the language of the heart which leads to self fulfillment.
This language is a conversation with your soul to let your power springs and express itself.
The alchemy between Lucie’s healing songs, Philippe’s hypno-meditation and the celestial melodies of Symphony Future,allows this journey of expansion and liberation.
Learning to love requires going out to meet yourself.
You have to change your reality in order to rise your creativity.
In the same way that you look at yourself in the mirror, so does your soul.
To heal wounds and realign , you have to look at yourself and internalize yourself with authenticity.
Reconnect to your divinity to reach your own reality !
Free all the power living in you, simply by connecting to your soul. Only some vibrations, sounds and voices lead to these divine resources.
The Audio healing is :
1. Download the audio file (Unzip)
2. Make yourself comfortable in a quiet place
3. Launch & Play the audio file (ideally with head phones)
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